
Good Morning, Sailor

 Inspired by the recent post titled "Paper stuff" on one of my favorite blogs, I launched a tiny regatta at breakfast this morning.   


TC woke in a terrible mood, largely due to staying up too late watching the Olympics, and needed a little smile before heading to his train. I would do just about anything to hear my husband laugh in the morning, but this was an easy one. It took me a few tries to get the size right (my kitchen sink looks like a boat yard full of tiny rotting hulls), but found that if I started with a piece of paper about 3" by 2", I would end up with a very sea-worthy (or milk and cereal-worthy, or juice-worthy) little vessel. I found the best how-to here, but also love this style (music warning) I used the financial pages of the Wall Street Journal to get the right type size, which is probably being realized at this very moment on the E train to Park Avenue as TC opens his paper to find a few large holes cut out of the back page. 


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