
Macaroni Love Story: Available Now, Only at Spoonflower

I am so pleased to announce my newest line of printed fabrics, Macaroni Love Story. Macaroni Love Story will only be available at Spoonflower, and only for a limited time. And if you get over there soon you can sign up for a drawing to win the whole collection.

One of my favorite things about Spoonflower is that you can order designs (your own, mine, and lots of others) to be printed on a wide variety of fabrics, including the lovely linen swatched below. The lawn and the linen happen to be my favorites, but you can order a set of swatches and see them all. There is also a nice soft spongey jersey that happens to be organic, and a lovely sateen that would be perfect for a back to school dress. Most fabrics are 54-58" wide (the least expensive, option, a quilting weight cotton, is 44" wide), which goes quite a long way when you're making stuff for babies and kids.

This collection includes two colorways, aqua and sunset. Here is AQUA:

Its not a coincidence that these colorways are similar to those that I used in Far Far Away and Far Far Away II. They both, emply orange, of course. As my husband says, orange is the color that goes with everything but rhymes with nothing.

Here's SUNSET:


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